Car Servicing: When and why?

One Stop Tyre Centre
3 min readJun 11, 2021


Whether you own an old car or a new one, maintain your car is a must. We all use our vehicles every day but somehow ignore their maintenance. There might be some minor faults that you could repair yourself and other major problems that would require you to head towards a professional repair facility.

Experts suggest that your car should be serviced after being driven for every 3000 miles or 5,000 miles, which may comprise of a usual change of oil or could be a full-fledged service of the car. This could even include safety inspections. The most vital part of getting your car serviced is changing the oil.

A frequent and timely service could help prevent this issue and help save a significant amount of money in the future. Regular servicing is necessary, but sometimes it might be inevitable. For instance, if you are setting off on a long-distance journey or if you haven’t driven your car for some time.

Maintenance of your Car

Your car’s maintenance is important for ensuring safety on road. It could be an overwhelming and intimidating task for some drivers. However, to enhance the safety and performance of the passengers on board and the other people around, this is a must. A car that has been taken care of properly also exhibits an increased resale value in the long run and saves all the costly cost of repairing. An owner’s handbook has all the information about the basics of maintaining a car.

A standard checklist would ideally consist of the following elements for checking:

· Inspecting the emergency and warning lights: New-age cars have advanced warning systems and sensors that signal you when things are not fine. The most important is the engine light which is linked to the sensors connected to many components in the engine of the car.

· Inspect the pressure in the tyres Tamworth: A vehicle’s efficiency is related to the pressure in its tyres. You could possess a portable kit to measure the pressure in the tyres helping you regulate the balance in the pressure and increasing the vehicle’s efficiency.

· Inspecting the maintenance of tyres: You require car tyres that work well in all conditions. You must make sure that the car’s threads on its tyre are very deep. The tyres should also be rotated and the alignment of the wheel should be checked before being driven.

· Inspecting the car’s engine: Your car is being driven on the power of the engine. Checking the oil levels in the engine is a vital step to be carried regularly. Engine oil reduces friction in the parts of an engine in a moving car to ensure effective operation.

These were some tips to maintain your car when you are unable to visit a garage. Although, visiting a garage is always an advisable option and for that, the servicing dates should be blocked in advance.

In short, servicing your car regularly would:

· Enable decreasing the wearing of the engine

· Enhance the economy of fuel

· Extend the engine’s life

· Highlight issues of suspension wear and tear, safety, braking, and steering

Car servicing is not an option, it is a mandate. There might be some issues you could treat at a personal level but for others, you should consult a specialist. Temporary savings of money could impose heavy expenditures on you in the long run. A reliable and trusted garage would do a complete check from your engine to your Bridgestone tyres giving you a clean chit of your car’s health.

